So I warned you all! I knew this would be a challenge to keep up, a challenge for me to find 5 min to sit and write an update on the business in the life of the Dennstaedts! I will try to catch everyone up a bit...
November was a fun month! With the holidays around the corner we found many fun fall things to do, hanging with friends, planning our trips away, and being outside for a few last weeks before the cold came. We celebrated our 4 year anniversary on the 26th of the month! Wow, 4 years down the road and a lot has changed in our lives. Especially the size of our family! For Thanksgiving we went and spent the weekend in Annapolis with Kevin's family. It was the first time his extended family was able to meet Joy, it was a really great weekend. We learned that whether we leave for 1 night or 4, the amount of things it takes to pack up a family of 4 is kinda ridiculous!
December came and went so quickly. We enjoyed Christmas cookie making with friends, a few too many Christmas parties, leaving my Joy for the first time with a babysitter, MOPS Christmas brunch, Women's bible study Christmas brunch, Making lots of homemade Christmas gifts, having Kevin's family up for a Christmas/engagement party, and then traveling 13 hours in the car to St. Louis for a LONG Christmas vacation.
We spent almost a month with my family in St. Louis with my family. It was such a wonderful time. All of my siblings were there and we did a lot of eating yummy food and playing lots with horsies! Kev stayed a week on both ends and flew home to work here while we stayed with my family! It was a treasured time to be with my family. My dad is doing great and had CT scans last week that all came back showing no signs of cancer! Praise God! We got in the car on the 12th of Jan for a 14 hour trip back to Mechanicsburg and Ive been running around with my head cut off ever since. Wondering how in the world can I go from a Grandma and 3 sisters to just me! WOW!
I had to write an update on here, but the catch is my computer broke over the holidays and we had to have the whole thing restored. I am still uploading all my pics back onto the computer and figuring out how to get things back to normal. I will admit this whole MAC thing is great for some people, but is taking me more time to get used to than i thought, especially now when everything is all over the place and I have to put it back in the places it was before....
So look back in a few days to get an update of pics from the holidays! There are tons of them so maybe Ill put a few up everyday! Thanks for being patient with me...I will update this thing. Just not as often as most! :)
Louisiana Sneaux Day
11 years ago
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